The Compact

It is time.

For generations, the influence of various religions pushed the horniest people in society (especially non-humans) into the shadows. But recently, the power of these religions has been waning at the same time as their rules have gotten stricter. Now, the most sexual factions of every race have united under your leadership to found a new colony, dedicated to their ideals.

Unfortunately, every race has their own ideas of what their ideals are. Now it is your job to choose the policies of your new society. Each of the eight races has a set of policies they want enacted and as the leader, handling the contradictions is your responsibility. The percentage of each race that supports your leadership is listed below.


Hard Mode

Your Council

First, you must choose a ruling council under you. For each race, choose one of these two as a council member.

Proceed to policies


Each race (Humans, Orcs, High Elves, Wood Elves, Avians, Dragonborn, Dwarves, and Foocubi) start at 50% approval rating. Each policy adds or subtracts approval rating from one or more factions. You must finish with a at least five factions with over 50% approval.

(To avoid doing this bookeeping yourself, visit


Go back Finish Policies (There is no going back)

The policies are now locked into place. It is time for our society to set off for our new home.

Begin the journey


Continue Good


The Establishing War

Good news! We have arrived at our new home. Bad news! We were followed. A coalition of the old religious orders and opportunistic bandits and pirates followed us here with the intent of killing our society and enslaving us. Unfortunately, our new colony's first action will be to prepare for battle.

You must field at least four battle points to win.

Victory! Surrender


Despite our best efforts, by the end of the day it was clear that the war was lost. Everyone who still can is running away, and the rest of us are getting ready for our new life as slaves. Some day, somebody will create a society where love and freedom reign, but it won't be us.


For three days we fought as hard as we could, living in terror and hoping for a break. Then, on the fourth day, we awoke and found that our enemy had completely retreated during the night. On the fifth day, we celebrated.


Despite the optimism of the early days, over the next few months the work of physically setting up this Utopian society started to become very difficult. At a particular low point, the council met without you present for the first time to decide whether the colony would be better without your leadership.


Over the next few months, the city started to pull together, and the need for your active management started to wane.

Some council members have fallen for you during your time together, and have offered their hand.


In the coming years, your colony will prosper, and your citizens will finally get to enjoy life to the fullest in your perfect society.

The End

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